
Finalist, Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

JAN 2020

Participated in a one-week bootcamp about entrepreneurship and developing sound business models. Idea is to create a central place for the community of caregivers around a senior to coordinate care. Pitch placed in the top three in a competition judged by 7 venture capitalists. Continuing with the team to implement the idea.

Research Apprentice, UC Berkeley


Responsible for documenting and enhancing the code for the data analysis of data from a nano-circuit board. Writing noise-robust program to classify cyclic voltammetry (CV) plots with NASA provided samples as reference point. Integrating GUI, previously mentioned program, and database to unified package under Professor Waqas Khalid.

Research Apprentice, UC Berkeley Data Discovery Program

SEP 2019 - DEC 2019

Working as a research assistant to grad student Emily Grabowski in an exploratory research project. We are using machine learning to better understand the phonetics of language to create language independent automatic phonetic transcription. Primarily using Parselmouth to do feature extraction for the Long-Short-Term-Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM-RNN).

Head of Recruiting, UC Berkeley Databears Club

JAN 2019 - JAN 2020

Managing members for outreach operations. Interviewing prospective members and effectively communicating with team leads to onboard new members best-suited for their projects.

Academic Intern, UC Berkeley

JAN 2019 - AUG 2019

Acted as an academic intern for an introductory discrete math and probabilities course (summer) and an introductory computer science course (spring). My main duties are to clarify conceptual confusion of topics brought up in lectures, and provide help with the assignments.

Administrative Assistant, Carefirst Seniors

JUNE 2017 - JULY 2017

Mocked up and designed the 2018 annual financial report and assisted in the transition of the website. Presented designs both to a small team and to larger meetings.